March 08, 2024
Brimrose Technology Announces Next-Gen X-Ray/Optical CMT-Based Photodetectors Now Available for Sampling
Sparks, MD—The Brimrose Technology Corporation is pleased to announce that our new, Cadmium Magnesium Telluride (CMT)-based, ultra-fast X-ray/Optical laser photodetectors are now available for sampling. The photodetectors can provide coarse timing in x-ray free electron lasers (XFEL), synchrotrons and for numerous other applications.
The new photodetectors are the result of extensive research and development from our team of scientists, enabled in large part by an SBIR provided by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), which is now in its second phase. A central goal is to find a replacement for the Hamamatsu G4176-03 ultra-fast, GaAs-based MSM photodetector, which has been discontinued.
This new picosecond photodetector is based on our proprietary, in-house grown CMT material, which can exhibit better detector performance while having a similar form factor to the Hamamatsu detector. Our new photodetector is also available in sensor form and can also be flexibly designed and assembled in other forms that are suitable for customers’ needs.
Brimrose’s CMT-ultrafast detector benefits all applications that rely on ultrafast timing of free electron lasers, such as femtosecond X-ray/optical cross-correlation diagnostics, especially in biology, chemistry and materials science. Examples of usages in synchrotron radiation applications include printing nanochip patterns, soft x-ray microscopy and protein crystallography. Other potential applications of Brimrose’s CMT include radiation detection and THz applications.
Following is additional, graphical information regarding the photodetector: (a) side view of the detector with SMA connector; (b) front view showing the mounted sensor through the glass window; and (c) ultrafast (2 ps) single exponential relaxation prototype of the CMT sensor via pump-probe measurement.
If you are interested in learning more about the project or receiving samples, please contact David Chaffee at 410/472-7070 ext. 203 or 410/336-2788.